Monday, November 01, 2010

World turned upside-down

What is going on?! Lately it seems that everyone is baking but me...

Yesterday, I was at a birthday party and our birthday girl and style expert Giorgia handed out homemade muffins as a give-away... (they were delicious by the way...)

Today, my friend Daniela happily announced that tonight, she's going to bake a cheesecake... Up until recently, all Daniela baked - if she baked at all - was convenience blend brownies from Migros...

Don't get me wrong, I am glad that my pals finally discovered the joy of baking but still... I am a little jealous :-)

Happy to report though that my wrist is getting better day by day. I hardly ever have to wear the brace anymore... and I am already thinking about what I could bake next weekend...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, nichts gegen die Brownies-Backmischung aus der Migros!! Für die hab ich schon viele Komplimente bekommen! :-) Bin froh zu hören, dass es deiner Hand wieder besser geht.


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